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Experience The Power of Prayer

Throughout the Bible we see incredible answers to prayer. Do these miraculous answers to prayer still happen? Could it be that we don't know HOW to pray?

The following videos have been curated to give you a clear picture of what prayer is really about - and how God answers. All of these videos are from Pastor Pavel Goia - probably the best speaker on prayer you will find online.

“To the law and the testimony! If they speak not according to this, there is no light in them.” Isaiah 8:20

Experience Prayer Life - Pastor Pavel Goia

The Power of Intercessory Prayer - Pastor Pavel Goia

Sermon on Prayer - Pastor Pavel Goia

The Power of Prayer Part 1 of 3 - Pastor Pavel Goia

The Power of Prayer Part 2 of 3 - Pastor Pavel Goia

The Power of Prayer Part 3 of 3 - Pastor Pavel Goia

Praying For Your Children - Pastor Pavel Goia

The Reason to Give Thanks - Pastor Pavel Goia

What Gives You Strength in Troubles - Pastor Pavel Goia

When You Are Sick Do This - Pastor Pavel Goia

What to do When You Have a Bad Day - Pastor Pavel Goia

Best Tips on Prayer - Pastor Pavel Goia

One Miracle After Another - Pastor Pavel Goia

The Holy Spirit & Prayer Part 1 - Pastor Pavel Goia

The Holy Spirit & Prayer Part 2 - Pastor Pavel Goia

The Holy Spirit & Prayer Part 3 - Pastor Pavel Goia

The Holy Spirit & Prayer Part 4 - Pastor Pavel Goia

Be Still And Know - Pastor Pavel Goia

Morning Devotion Prayer - Pastor Pavel Goia

Pavel Goia Personal Testimony - Pastor Pavel Goia

The Battle Belongs to the Lord - Pastor Pavel Goia

Secret of Experiencing Gods Power - Pastor Pavel Goia

Original Video URL for these videos:


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